Kamron Bhavnagri

Deep learning practitioner focused on creating and sharing content on how deep learning works and where it can be used. In the last few years I've worked on a variety of deep learning projects including recreating a picture of a face from a 3d CT scan of bones, creating a self-driving car in a video game called Jelly Drift and running a variety of workshops helping beginners explore this vast field of study. I love to learn about and share the latest newest, innovations and applications of deep learning.

Position: Deep Learning Training Manager

Organisation: Deep Neuron, Monash University


  • Deep Learning Series

  • Fundamental basic Neural Network concepts and practical's with FastAI

  • Creating models with PyTorch

  • Convolutional Neural Networks

  • ResNets

  • Applied Workshops (topic changes each semester)

  • Generative Modelling including VAEs and focusing on GANs

  • Concepts for image generation, domain transfer and high-res GANs

  • Working Collaboratively with Version Control (Git)

Skills: Classical Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Generative modelling


Darya Vanichkina