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Showcase event #1 - ML/AI in Imaging

ML4AU organised its first showcase event on the theme - ML/AI in Imaing on the 24th June 2021. The event was co-chaired by Dr. Nick Hamilton from UQ and Adam Morris from Monash University. The following projects were presented

  1. Forensic facial reconstruction - Mitchell Hargreaves/Richard Bassed

  2. Enhancing the speed and robustness of magnetic resonance imaging applications using Deep Learning - Dr Steffen Bollmann

  3. Fungal AI - Titus Tang

  4. Machine learning for material discovery - Sherif A. Tawfik Abbas

  5. Weaving through the boundless material space with machine learning - Dr Tu Le

  6. CyroFilter for EM Cryo imaging / protein structure and HealthHack - Gavin Rice

Showcase event report: Google doc

Showcase event Recording

August 12

Showcase event #2 - ML/AI in System Monitoring and Forecasting